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[CEL – STIH] International conference | Modality and its interfaces with aspectuality, temporality and epistemicity
Le réseau international de linguistes "Modality, Temporality & Aspectuality in Germanic" (Modalität im Deutschen) tiendra son 12e colloque à Paris en juin 2025. Cette première édition en France est co-organisée par le Centre d’Études Linguistiques – Corpus, Discours et Sociétés (CEL, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3) et le laboratoire Sens Texte Informatique Histoire (STIH, Sorbonne Université)
Modality and its interfaces with aspectuality, temporality and epistemicity
Paris, 5-6 juin 2025
The informal International Working Group Modalität im Deutschen was founded in 1992. Eleven meetings have been held since then, with the focus of the conference gradually expanding to all Germanic languages and to contrastive perspectives, especially within the Germanic family and between German and other languages. The relationship between epistemic modality and evidentiality, which are now often grouped into one macro-category of epistemicity, has become a recurring topic. The same holds for the interface of modality with aspectuality and temporality.The 12th meeting of the working group will take place in Paris, at Sorbonne University, on June 5th-6th, 2025.
Lieu : Sorbonne Université (1, rue Victor-Cousin / Paris 5e)Co-organisation : Olivier Duplâtre / Pierre-Yves Modicom
Unités de recherche : Sens Texte Informatique Histoire (STIH) / Centre d’Études Linguistiques – Corpus, Discours et Sociétés (CEL)
Langue de travail : anglais et allemand
Programme des interventions : voir ci-contre
Hors campus
Pierre-Yves Modicom, CEL
Colloque / Séminaire, Actualité net3, A la Une - Intranet, A la Une