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Aspects of linguistic impoliteness
Evènement | 18 octobre 2013
L'ouvrage "Aspects of linguistic impoliteness" édité par Denis Jamet et Manuel Jobert est paru.

Various researchers have been selected to contribute to Aspects of Linguistic Impoliteness, and the diversity of sub-disciplinary approaches is reflected in the multi-dimensional organisation of the five sections of the book.
The book is divided into five thematic parts, with 16 chapters in all, as follows. The first part aims to study the links between impoliteness and rudeness, by providing a general framework to these notions. The second part deals with occurrences of impoliteness in television series and drama, when the third part mainly focuses on the discursive creations of impoliteness found in literary works. The fourth part concentrates on impoliteness and the philosophy of language, and the fifth and final part offers some case-studies of impoliteness in modern communication.
Denis Jamet is Professor of English Linguistics at Jean Moulin University Lyon 3, where he specialises in lexicology, morphosyntax and translation studies. He is Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics at Jean Moulin University Lyon 3 and is also in charge of the Groupe de Recherche en Linguistique Anglaise within the Centre d’Etudes Linguistiques.
Manuel Jobert is Professor of English Language at Jean Moulin University Lyon 3, where he specialises in pragmatics, stylistics and phonetics. He is the current chair of the Société de Stylistique Anglaise (SSA) and the Poetics and Linguistics Association’s ambassador in France.
Denis Jamet et Manuel Jobert
ThématiqueLangues littératures et civilisations étrangères, Recherche